Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Skateboard Life

Take a look at the average pro career.
Pretty short, isn't it? And not only is it short but it's a safe bet that it follows the lines of the old bell curve. Up. And down.
A kid shows up with some skills and lands himself a sponsor.
He gets a little better and turns pro. Then he has a video part—maybe two—where he peaks out with the best he has to offer.
But as skating continues its relentless march forward, this average pro begins to look like he might be slipping. Caught in the undertow. After the inevitable gimmick attempt in an effort to stay relevant, the downward trend continues until it’s generally agreed that the pro is officially washed up. (But his style is still totally sick, bro!)

Finally, nobody cares to see him skate anymore, so he quits to do something else and people forget he ever existed. Harsh but true.