Saturday, February 2, 2008


Man do I ever loft on putting up good news sometimes. Well today is, nothing special either for I have been wasting time recording music and such and figuring out more about sampling music and djing which I have always admire and shared some what of an interest in, so now I think or within the next month or so I will be releasing songs, maybe some tracks that are like me spinning if not friends, but an electro genre type e.p (7 tracks) by mid February.

My birthday is coming up, all my friends should know. And well, I am going to be really busy this month getting my job, skating shooting photos. So I am going to try my best to hit hard with good news and more posts, seriously. I am talking like more video's of better junk and such, up the playlists with like 30 tracks, and more sources for other media photography included.

Anyways, I'm back to working on some songs I am putting together, but maybe expect a playlist late tonight.


almost crimes.

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